Friday, December 30, 2005

again some lines

Living in Verona has been different from living in Chennai. It's not that I am in different country, climate, etc. rather it's everything. Right from the geographical location to the very insides of the people, all has changed. This has led me to love India more and more, and things start becoming heavy when I listen hindi songs particularly Swades.

But, I still remain the person I used to be with a addition of few more things, right now it is cooking which I am doing for the first time.

Staying here has taught me one more beautiful lesson, how to live alone and to take control of your life. I think I will write something over this aspect too.

These lines I wrote while in my lab in Verona. Again I do not feel like giving it a title.

My love was rarest as a birth
I loved her with all my woes
but time wanted some other play
and everything fell apart like
leaves in the autumn noon

It was in the middle of night
I met her again one more time
and could feel the pain
she bore in those eyes
on that star studded cold night

I wrapped her fast and held tight
what she bored was now mine
I asked myself half asleep
is this what it's meant to be,
have I touched that eternity?

Little I knew that seasons change
and it was last February that
nature caused it's flurry
it was the last night I saw her and
after this, there will be no more night

She came once in my dream
took me and kissed me right
as I looked in those beady eyes
I felt my pain melt away
like a distant church bell chimes.


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